
First case of West Nile Virus reported in county

The Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) announced today that they have confirmed the first two human cases of West Nile Virus in the State for the year 2016.


The Department of Health Services has monitored the spread of West Nile virus since 2001 among wild birds, horses, mosquitoes, and people.

Catherine Brown said it is peak season for possible West Nile infections.

“In response to this discovery, the county’s WNV Control Program is increasing surveillance and control measures to reduce the mosquito population and prevent the virus from spreading”, said Dauphin County Board of Commissioners’ Chairman Jeff Haste, who oversees the program. When outdoors, adjust your dress and wear repellent containing DEET, picaridin or oil of lemon eucalyptus as your first lines of defense against insect bites.

Tests in the Pond Mills area have come back positive for West Nile Virus, which can trigger flu-like symptoms for people who are infected by it. The Florida cases caught health officials by surprise because Zika was not expected in this country so quickly, Jeffers said.

Clean and chlorinate swimming pools, outdoor saunas and hot tubs, and drain water from pool covers. In general, West Nile does not produce symptoms in humans, but in a few cases, the symptoms can be severe, said PHDs Melanie Collett.

Be aware of mosquitoes during times that they are active, Dawn, Daytime, Dusk and evening hours.

Less than 1 of 150 people infected develop the severe neuroinvasive disease that can include encephalitis or meningitis.

But a high number of infected mosquitoes spurred the county’s decision to spray again. Windows and doors should have screens to keep the bugs out. Public health officials advise Colorado residents to continue to take precautions against West Nile virus by using mosquito repellent and other methods to avoid mosquito bites.


Lane County Chief Public Health Officer Patrick Luedtke says 80 percent of people can get West Nile and not even know it. Others get something resembling the flu.

There's A Surge In Mosquitoes Infected With West Nile Virus