
First case of Zika virus infection by sexual transmission reported in Pennsylvania

And the call for emergency funding has gotten louder.


Infections in pregnant women have been shown to cause microcephaly, a severe birth defect which causes the head and brain of the newborn to be undersized. The researchers also evaluated the data for any rare and potentially deadly inflammation in the brain and spinal cord such as encephalitis, myelitis, and encephalomyelitis with the cases associated with the Zika virus.

The additional funding from HHS comes two days after Senate Democrats blocked a $1.1 billion funding bill to fight the virus.

However, an unpublished study from Brazil has shown that Brazilian Culex quinquefasciatus can be infected with Zika virus, and that Culex quinquefasciatus has been found in the city of Recife, where Zika is known to occur.

“Once again, Congress has been asleep at the wheel while thousands of Americans, including folks in Orange County, have contracted the Zika virus”, Maloney said.

“I asked them, what if I got bitten while I am waiting for the results?”

The State Surgeon General has activated a 24-hour Zika hotline in Florida to answer questions and concerns.

World Health Organization advises that pregnant women should not travel to areas with ongoing Zika virus transmission, and it warned people traveling to the Paralympic Games, which starts on Wednesday in Rio de Janeiro, to take precautions against mosquito bites.

China’s top health authority said on Thursday there is no sign of spread of Zika virus on the Chinese mainland and a contingency plan involving 18 central government organisations was set up to cope with the disease. The Zika virus has already infected 2,964 people across the United States.

Other South-east Asian countries, including Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand, have also reported cases.

SUNY Orange and the Orange County Department of Health have collaborated on the Orange County West Nile Virus Mosquito Surveillance Project.


“That is why as President, I will create a Public Health Rapid Response Fund, with consistent, year-to-year budgets, to better enable the CDC, HHS, FEMA, state and local public health departments, hospital systems, and other federal agencies to quickly and aggressively respond to major public health crises and pandemics”. The mosquitoes caught are now being tested for West Nile and Zika. They are being advised to avoid areas where Zika is spreading or to talk to their doctor before traveling to such areas. That person then passed it via sexual transmission to their partner. POLL: Would you support the use of genetically modified mosquitoes in your neighborhood to combat Zika?

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