
First Family lights the National Christmas Tree

“Trees for Troops” is part of the national effort by the “Christmas Spirit Foundation” and Fed- Ex that was started in 2005 to give Christmas trees to military families as a way of showing gratitude for their service. O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree, how lovely are thy branches? We look out for each other in good times, and in bad.


“We have folks that have been coming for 25 years, and we sold our first trees 26 years ago, so that’s remarkable”, said Leo Collins, owner of Bluebird Christmas Tree Farm.

Christmas trees grow a foot a year on average, so some of the big ones have been growing for more than a decade.

Add water to the tree stand. Be sure to add water daily.

Get rid of the tree after Christmas. This allows the entire tree to soak up water.

“I’ve never have seen anything like this”.

“Before placing the tree in the stand, cut 2” from the base of the trunk.

The historic four-year drought has hurt agricultural crops up and down the West Coast and resulted in millions of dollars in lost revenue for farmers.

The Christmas tree farmers, like many Californians, are counting on the coming El Nino to refill dangerously low reservoirs, but it may not be enough. Wood said they are ground up and used as mulch or in compost.


He also says fire deaths are caused by people who are spending too much time trying to put the fire out and not saving themselves and not getting out of their home.
