
First female-to-male Zika case reported in NYC, officials say

If you are planning to travel to a place where Zika is spreading, there are some important steps you should take during your trip and after you return.


Some experts said the case isnt surprising.

In subsequent interviews with the health department, the man reported that he only had the one sexual encounter with his partner during that time period, no other recent sexual partners, and no mosquito bites during the week preceding his symptoms. “Although no cases of woman-to-woman Zika transmission have been reported, these recommendations now also apply to female sex partners of pregnant women”.

The New York case was reported in the CDC journal Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.

They based their estimate on modeling using available data on the outbreak, which has so far involved thousands of cases of Zika-linked birth defects, mainly in Brazil.

The virus spread to 28 counties.

According to CDC, symptoms associated with the Zika virus last between seven to 10 days.

Osterholm wondered how the researchers concluded the transmission occurred during intercourse, and not, for instance, through kissing.

At the moment, there’s not enough evidence to show that sexual transmission goes “beyond a pair of partners”, Brooks said. That’s why every new development into the workings of this scary virus sparks another wave of worry.

Women of child-bearing age who live in an active Zika region should protect themselves from mosquito bites by wearing long-sleeved shirts and long trousers, using mosquito repellent when outside, and staying indoors as much as possible, according to the CDC.

The real priority remains preventing transmission to a developing fetus, he said.

A woman in her twenties told officials that she had unprotected vaginal sex with a male partner the day she returned home from travel to a country with high risk of Zika transmission. The doctor suspected sexual transmission of the virus and alerted the health department.

He also believes that sexual transmission of the virus should not keep people from protecting themselves from mosquitoes – the main source of infection – whenever they travel to Zika-endemic areas.

Some people have expressed concern that Zika infection will have long-term implications on women’s reproductive health, potentially damaging future offspring. Prior to this change, states reported only symptomatic nonpregnant cases and pregnant cases regardless of symptoms.


If you are traveling overseas, first check the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s travel page at to see if Zika is spreading in your planned destination.

Zika can be passed sexually from women to men, CDC says for first time