
First Game of Thrones season six poster features … JON SNOW

But the poster released Monday shows Snow with eyes closed and blood running down his face, and the words “April HBO”, which is when the series returns for its sixth season.


“GoT” fans were shocked to see the artwork donning fan favorite Jon Snow, opening many questioned as to whether or not “Game of Thrones” will bring back Jon Snow. This was all assuming he was finally dead.

The creators of Game Of Thrones have confirmed what most viewers suspected at the end of season five – fan favourite Jon Snow will be making a return.

OMG! We can already hear you lamenting us! After being stabbed several times, his character fell to the ground, and audiences (including President Barack Obama) have been left to wonder if he’s dead.

If you are not completely up to date with Game of Thrones, then this article may not be for you.

“Let’s just say that Game of Thrones will remain a part of my life for a while, I’ll probably be in my thirties when it’s over”, Kit Harrington aka Jon Snow said in September. But less likely was the reappearance of Kit Harington’s Jon Snow character, who has just made an unlikely appearance on the promo material for the new episodes. But it certainly doesn’t shed much light on the current state of Jon Snow.

But what we do know for sure is that this poster represents nothing quite so well as the knives in the fans’ backs getting twisted, slowly and painfully.

What we do know, at least, is that Game of Thrones season six will to return to the small screen in April next year.


And yet, here is Jon Snow looking fairly alive or, possibly, it’s a reanimated corpse white walker version of Jon Snow, something possible only in the magical land of Westeros.