
First global warming became clearly evident in the temperature record

“The government has been paying scientists to study climate long before Al Gore came along, and climate funding would continue even if we reported that global warming was less of a problem than we thought”.


While temperature records generally showed pronounced indications of global warming, heavy rainfall events have yet to make their mark, researchers said. After examining extreme and average temperatures (as they are the most sensitive to global warming), they found that signs of global warming were observed in the tropics in the 1960s but Africa, Southeast Asia and Australia have been experiencing these signs as early as the 1940s.

According to new findings, global warming was witnessed in the tropics as early as the 1960s South East Asia and Africa were among the first regions on Earth to suffer from global warming.

Because those regions experienced a narrower range of temperatures, smaller temperature shifts could be seen easily.

“We expect the first heavy precipitation events with a clear global warming signal will appear during winters in Russian Federation, Canada and northern Europe over the next 10-30 years”, said co-author Dr Ed Hawkins from the National Centre for Atmospheric Science at the University of Reading, UK.

Closer to the poles, the emergence of climate change in the temperature record appeared later, but by the period 1980 to 2000 the temperature record in most regions of the world were showing clear global warming signals. A team from Australia’s Arc Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science and the University of Reading analyzed simulated changes in temperature and created 23 models based on the data to study trends in the past and future.

George Mason University meteorologist Jagadish Shukla was the lead signatory to a letter sent this month to the president and the attorney general asking them to use federal racketeering laws to prosecute “corporations and other organizations that have knowingly deceived the American people about the risks of climate change”.

The same 7 days that is actually Pope Francis was in fact booked to converse in Washington on the should manage global warming, Blackburn consulted with the BBC as a Radio 7 show, “Climate Change – Are all of us Feeling Lucky?”

The continental United States showed fewer of these signs, especially the East Coast and the Midwest/central states. According to the researchers, these areas are not yet manifesting truly clear warming signals, but this will likely happen in the next decade.


It said global warming over the last century occurred in two phases – from the 1910s to 1940s, with a rise of 0.35°C – and from the 1970s to the present, with a rise of 0.55 °C.

Researchers revealed global warming appeared in the 1940s in some parts of Australia Asia and Africa. These charts show the time man-made pollutants began. A and B show the average air temperature C and D the highest maximum temperature E and F the low