
First Look at Constable Zuvio in Star Wars: The Force Awakens

In an era of oversaturation, where it’s common for almost every major joke and reveal to be spoiled by a movie’s trailers and marketing campaign, The Force Awakens has been a cinematic anomaly, parcelling out carefully chosen nuggets of information that have generated unprecedented levels of excitement without revealing much about what audiences will be seeing next month.


What little fans know of the character comes from the official description from Lucasfilm: he is a “vigilant law officer on a mostly lawless world” who “keeps order in a frontier trading post” and is “tough and humorless”. His sense of history with the Dark Side will likely come into play somehow during “The Force Awakens”. According to the actress, Rey’s life on Jakku is monotonous, but says “the film, for Rey, is a journey of finding out that no one is no one”.

“I think it can be very empowering, because you have the power to put your best foot forward – you’re in control of how people see you”, she mused.

One of them is Kylo Ren, yet Gleeson hints that their “individual and unusual” relationship isn’t exactly friendly.

There was that first shot of the Millennium Falcon, being chased by TIE Fighters. We also see families passing down the films from generation to generation. “That’s what makes those movies so universal”. Yet a long time ago in a corner of the Internet far, far away, fans were blasting the first ever footage they saw of “The Force Awakens” for one very specific reason: Kylo Ren’s cross-guard lightsaber. “It takes more and more of it to have the same effect”.

“Star Wars: The Force Awakens” cast members Oscar Isaac, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, writer, director and producer JJ Abrams and producer Kathleen Kennedy appear at the Star Wars Celebration in Anaheim, California, April 17, 2015.


A few of the smaller things we learn about this film is that Gwendoline Christie’s armor of Captain Phasma was originally created to be Kylo Ren’s armor.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Cast Reveals New Details About Rey, Finn, and