
First Majestic Silver Has 80% Downside: Kerrisdale’s Latest Short Report

Silver now trades for US$19 per ounce, and gold will set you back US$1,320 per ounce, so the company is enjoying decent margins. They expect $0.07 earnings per share, up 216.67% or $0.13 from last year’s $-0.06 per share.


The recent traded volume of 20.78 million shares lower than its average volume of 32.69 million shares. (NYSE:PRO) prepares to next report its earnings on or around 2016-11-03, investors will be keeping a close eye on the reported earnings per share figure and how it compares to the Wall Street analyst consensus estimate. Goldman Sachs Group Inc. boosted their target price on Silver Wheaton Corp. from C$24.60 to C$27.00 in a report on Wednesday, May 11th. The company’s strengths can be seen in multiple areas, such as its revenue growth, largely solid financial position with reasonable debt levels by most measures and expanding profit margins. Revenues hit $212.35M in the June 2016 quarter, which was above the consensus $203.72M projection. For Silver Wheaton Corp Common Shar, the PEG ratio for coming 3-5 years is 1.72. (TSE:SLW), 4 rate it a “Buy”, 0 “Sell”, while 0 “Hold”. Stock’s minimum price target estimates has been figured out at $28.00 while the maximum price target forecast is established at $36.00, if we look at the price target with an optimistic approach it has upside potential of 64% from its latest closing price of $26.24.

Silver Wheaton trading up 156.82% versus 12-month low of $10.04 and stands -18.2 lower from its 1-year peak of $31.35. A research note issued on 4/20/2016 the stock was upgraded by Raymond James from Mkt Perform to Outperform. The investment management firm now holds a total of 1,227,620 shares of Silver Wheaton Corp. The firm’s market capitalization is $2.20 billion. The company’s 50-day moving average is $16.45 and its 200 day moving average is $10.78. The move comes after 6 months positive chart setup for the $16.06B company.


Analysts take into account the price to earnings ratio to estimate the firm’s valuation. First Majestic trades at 5x its net asset value – completely out of line with other miners as well as its own longer-term history. The Return on Equity (ROE) value stands at -3.7%. The corporation showed significant change in the EPS section with its current EPS of -0.42. The stock has a 1-year performance up 275.48% and a negative weekly performance at -12.60%. It implies if stock price makes a movement of over $-4.31, it will record a new 52-week high.

First Majestic Silver Has 80% Downside Kerrisdale's Latest Short Report