
Fish falls from sky, smacks woman in the face

“Suddenly, I was slammed by something”, she told the paper.


A woman suffered minor injuries when a catfish fell from the sky and hit her in the face.

“I smelled so bad afterwards”, she told CBS Philadelphia.

Lisa Lobree was walking to meet her fitness group at Fairmount Park on Labor Day when the more than foot-long fish with whiskers landed on her head.

As she regained her composure, a friend she was walking with found the culprit.

Something fell, hitting her in the head.

It might sound amusing, but whether from the fins or from pure shock, Lobree had a fever, and the left side of her face and neck were painfully swollen. “The cut was thankfully nowhere near as bad as what it could have been”, she noted.

Of course, nobody wants to be smacked in the face by a fish falling form the sky, but Lobree is at least making the best of it. ‘I was a little bit shocked, actually’. However, she admitted she can see the humor in it.


“Think it’s just nice it’s giving people a good story to laugh at”, she said. “It’s probably one of the strangest things that have happened to me in my life”. “And there are so many worse things and so many bad things that happen”.

Catfish Falls From Sky At Fairmount Park; Hits Woman In Face