
Fishermen make quick getaway as they discover killer whales chasing their boat

The orcas, about 30 in number together chased the duo when they were about 5 miles off Point Loma. “I’m really scared he’s going to bite my arm off”, one of the fisherman is heard saying after a nearby whale had breached and then dove back down.


A video showing a pod of killer whales, or orcas, chasing a fishermen’s boat in the San Diego Bay has gone viral.

“He’s right under us still!” It is much more often that dolphins, the smaller relative to killer whales will behave this way around the boat. However, they have the popular nickname of “Killer Whales” for a reason.

About 1 minute and 20 seconds into the video, a whale jumps out of the water and comes within feet of the boat.


The men didn’t know exactly what the animals were until they came startlingly close and attempted to move away quickly. The captain of the whale watching boat told CBS Los Angeles that orcas are rarely spotted off the coast, and combined with warm water, this could signal an oncoming strong El Nino. The fishermen posted a video of the incident on YouTube showing the orcas surrounding the boat in pursuit as the fishermen tried to flee to the shore, according to The Huffington Post.

Killer Whales Chase Fishermen's Boat Off San Diego Coast