
Fitness-Tracker Maker Jawbone Just Laid Off 15 Percent of Its Staff

In an analysis of startups conducted for Business Insider by startup insight platform Mattermark, Jawbone was one of the “unicorns” – companies with private-market valuations of greater than $1 billion – observed to have the greatest risk of failure.


Jawbone, the consumer electronics and wearable products specialist out of San Francisco, recently laid off 15 percent of its global workforce according to a report from TechCrunch. As part of this same layoff, the company is shuttering its NY office, which concentrated on the marketing of the company.

The struggling fitness-tracker manufacturer Jawbone just suffered another jab.

The company is known for its line of Jambox speakers and Up fitness trackers.

A company spokesperson told TechCrunch, “Jawbone’s success over the past 15 years has been rooted in its ability to evolve and grow dynamically in a rapidly scaling marketplace”. The new Up3 fitness tracker, released in May, received less-than-stellar reviews. However, it has felt the competition this past year, both from the pure play type wearables companies and the popular hardware companies that have made a move into the wearables space.


As Buzzfeed notes, Jawbone wasn’t even in the top five wearable vendors, which included Fitbit, Apple, Xiamoi, Garmin, and Samsung.
