
Five seriously hurt in aerodrome helicopter crash

Five people have been injured in a helicopter crash in Britain’s East Yorkshire, Sky News reported on Sunday. The accident happened at Breighton Airfield near Howden.


Emergency services are at the scene.

Humberside Police said their injuries, although serious, are not thought to be life-threatening.

Crews from Selby, Tadcaster, York and Humberside were called in just after 6pm this evening.

The helicopter is said to have come down at the side of a runway, with five people hurt.

An investigation has been launched by Air Accident Investigation Branch as they try to determine the cause of the crash.

It is not clear how extensive the injuries are or what type of helicopter was involved.

Emergency services are at the scene of a helicopter crash in Yorkshire.

It is now the home of the Real Aeroplane Company, a collection of classic planes, and the Real Aeroplane Club, whose members own and operate many unusual aircraft.

“I would say they were pretty lucky”.

“It was recovered by staff within half an hour”.


Cops swooped to find Pilot Andrew “Biggles” Wright, 52, at the scene – along with 34kg of uncut white power in bags and suitcases.

A helicopter has crashed near Breighton Airfield in Yorkshire