
Five things to watch for in Wednesday’s GOP debate

Trump will join ten of his Republican rivals Wednesday night in Simi Valley, California for the second Republican presidential primary debate. (“And we sell them beef”, Trump said mocking the USA trade relationship with Japan.) There was the Iran deal (“the dumbest”), a rumor about John Kerry possibly running for president (“no chance”), and, of course, Hillary Clinton (the “worst” secretary of state ever, who also has “no chance”). Ted Cruz, the Texas Republican who has cultivated a chummy relationship with Trump. Trump has dismissed the possibility of being attacked at the debate.


“I want you people to look around and look at one another because this is going to be a special day”, he said.

Eleven contenders will face off again at the second Republican presidential debate on Wednesday, with candidates expected to step up criticism of poll leader Donald Trump.

CNN will be live streaming the GOP debate next Weds online and across CNN’s mobile platforms without authentication”, said the network spokersperson to Fortune. “Total hypocrites!” Trump wrote on Twitter earlier this month. During an interview with the New York businessman, Hewitt gave Trump what amounted to a pop quiz about Islamic militants and other Middle Eastern figures.

Additionally on stage shall be Carly Fiorina, a gifted debater who will certainly go proper at Mr Trump. “Would anyone vote for that?” he told Rolling Stone magazine, when asked about the only woman in the 16-candidate Republican race for the party’s nomination.

After a man called her “beautiful” during a question-and-answer session at a picnic in Chichester, the former Hewlett Packard CEO said she appreciates her supporters’ gallantry, but it’s unnecessary. Policy, issues, platforms, government experience – none of it matters. “Not personal appearance”, said a Fiorina fund-raising appeal.

The latest CBS News poll found Trump still ahead, at 27 percent support, but the soft-spoken Carson, whose style is essentially the anti-Trump, swelled to 23 percent, though within the poll’s margin of error.

Bush – blasted by Trump for being a lethargic, Spanish-speaking political insider with tanking poll numbers – needs to show passion and demonstrate he has the ideas and substance that Trump’s candidacy has seemingly rendered irrelevant to so many voters, experts said.


As the anti-establishment candidates continue their rise, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker took the biggest tumbles.

Getty- Andrew H. Walker