
Five Things You Might Not Know About Nancy Reagan

“Ronald Reagan was such a nice guy and really built such great relationships with a lot of people”.


She warned her husband’s digestive system didn’t respond well to overly rich and butter-laden foods, and was consulted about her husband’s visit to Farrell’s Pub in Ballyporeen.

I became a docent at the Reagan Library a year after it opened, ultimately being elected president of the Docent Association. He first met her at Claremont McKenna College more than 40 years ago.

That sheath is displayed at the Smithsonian Institution, not far from the one-shouldered inaugural gown of another fashion-conscious first lady – Michelle Obama, notes Lisa Kathleen Graddy, curator at the National Museum of American History. But as first lady, she seemed to telegraph that she had finally found her role of a lifetime – adoring wife of the president – and she planned to luxuriate in it. She loved classic designer clothes, counted as her best gal pals the ladies-who-lunch wives of industry titans, and spent $200,000 on new china for the White House. I will truly miss First Lady Nancy Reagan.

Nancy Reagan will be laid to rest later this week next to her husband at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.

“I think that she knew how to love somebody and you can do a lot worse than that in life”.

During Mr T’s stint as Mr Claus at the White House Christmas decorations unveiling, Nancy sat on Mr T’s lap and gave him a kiss on the forehead. Mr. Clark, too, was discarded, and Mr. Reagan signed a sweeping arms-control pact with the Soviet leader, Mikhail Gorbachev.

While so many of Reagan’s accomplishments are well known, here are five things you might not know about her.

President Reagan came back to campus 12 times, seven of those with the former First Lady. The Republican right wing was determined to shape the new administration’s agenda by putting Edwin Meese, a hard-line conservative, in charge of the White House staff. Mrs. Reagan, working with her old confidant Michael Deaver, instead persuaded her husband to tap James Baker as chief of staff even though Mr. Baker had been the campaign manager of her husband’s primary rival (and then running mate), George H.W. Bush. “So I got the opportunity to brief the president”.

Cameras constantly captured Nancy and Ronald Reagan’s affection for each other, though a chosen few got to see this partnership away from the public stage. She also favoured Bill Blass.


After a series of smaller parts, Reagan attracted the attention of MGM Studios and moved to Hollywood for her first feature film, “The Doctor and the Girl”.

Nancy Reagan On KABC 1982