
Flight 370 wing flap expected to arrive imminently at French defense site

And within hours the world came to the realization that the aircraft debris on the desolate beach on the island of Reunion was possibly from Flight 370.


From Paris’ Orly airport, it was driven south by road, arriving at the laboratory at about 5.30 pm (1530 GMT).

“Until now, Australian authorities had led the worldwide investigation into Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, which disappeared en route from Kuala Lampur to Beijing“.

On Saturday, a few hundred people attended a mass in Saint Andre in remembrance of the victims, a few hundred metres from the spot where the flaperon was found on Wednesday. “It’s a convoluted mass of swirls, eddies, and they’ve gone through a couple of monsoon seasons, a couple of typhoons, I believe, so I’m sure the course has been anything but smooth”.

“In previous accidents, such as the crash of Air France Flight 447 in 2009, investigators were able to reconstruct from cabin debris how the plane impacted the Atlantic on its flight from Rio de Janeiro to Paris, aiding them in reconstructing what happened.”

He stated exclusively three 777s have crashed since 2013 and the opposite two have been in utterly totally different places.

In Malaysia, the deputy transport minister, Abdul Aziz Kaprawi, confirmed on Friday that a part number on the debris matches numbers on a Boeing 777 aircraft. “This is from Jakarta, Indonesia”, he said, pointing to the writing on the bottle.

But it is still unlikely that other debris from the aircraft, or its black box recorders, will be found, he said.

He said he called several of his workmates and they carried the wing fragment out of the water so that it would not be battered by the surf against the volcanic rocks that make up most of the beach.

Authorities hope that any discoveries will help bring closure to the families of the missing plane passengers. But proof that the wing is from Flight 370 will not help investigators narrow their search for the rest of the plane or the remains of those on board, Gallo said.

“I hope to have answers very soon, because the wait is unbearable”, the Frenchman, now in San Francisco, told AFP. A multinational search effort has thus far come up empty.

Speculation on the cause of the plane’s disappearance has focused primarily on a possible mechanical or structural failure, a hijacking or terror plot, or rogue pilot action.

The currents from the Indian Ocean flow in a counter-clockwise way that would take a crash from west of Australia to Reunion Island, Gordon said.


The fact that the part was found 4,200 kilometers (2,600 miles) from the current search site does not mean officials are looking in the wrong place, said Australian Transport Safety Bureau Chief Commissioner Martin Dolan, who is leading the hunt.

US official Plane debris in Indian Ocean same type as MH370