
Flint, Mich., pastor stops Donald Trump from criticizing Hillary Clinton at church

“Not to give a political speech”, she said. “She was a nervous mess”.


Donald Trump got himself in trouble on Wednesday when he went to a church in Flint, Mich. and started bashing Hillary Clinton – and now he’s hitting back at the pastor who shamed him.

Timmons’ Facebook comments seem to refer to Trump’s recent appeals to black voters, who he said have been led astray by Democratic politicians.

Following the event, the pastor explained her actions: “I thought he wanted to see that we gave out food and water, and when his statement went beyond what he originally said, I asked him to stick to what he was originally going to say”, she told reporters.

An overwhelming 94 percent of black voters view the G.O.P. standard-bearer unfavorably, according to one Washington Post survey Trump’s visit to Flint, a town with a large African-American population suffering from widespread lead poisoning, was intended as a show of minority outreach. But then, he attacked Clinton, saying “everything she touched didn’t work out”.

Of course, Trump has a long track record of not responding well to public rebukes, so no one should have been surprised this morning when the Republican candidate turned his attention to the pastor. “They’ll make their cars, they’ll employ thousands and thousands of people, not from this country…and we’ll have nothing but more unemployment in Flint”.

“He complains about her health”, said Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev.

“It was in her city, in her church, at her podium, and he was invited there”.

“So I just want to be clear it would be a shortsighted mistake for those trying to help the people in Flint to prevent the quick movement of [the Water Resources Development Act] in the House so we can conference immediately”, Inhofe said.

Moments before Timmons interrupted him, Trump had begun attacking Clinton for supporting free trade agreements, which Trump argued had caused Flint economic pain. In fact they clapped after the pastor interrupted him and he agreed to return to the subject at hand, which was supposed to be Flint.

House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) said Thursday that completing a water bill was “definitely within the realm of possibilities” before year’s end.

“I’ll tell you what made me feel good”, he said.

“I used the expression, ‘What do you have to lose?”

Timmons explained on her church’s Facebook page that Trump earned the rebuke by not following the terms under which he was allowed to speak at the church.


“Had he stuck to what his camp claimed he came to do, we would not have had a problem!” she wrote.

Rev. Faith Green Timmons interrupts Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump