
Flocking birds form face of Vladimir Putin

Peer closely at this flock of birds flying over a city street and you will be able to make out a familiar face – Vladimir Putin.


It’s a bird, it’s a plane…no, it’s Vladimir Putin?!

When Gilbert sightseeing in New York City seated on the top deck of a tour bus, she never imagined this would be the sight she would actually see.

If the Romans were right about being able to see the future in the way our feathered friends fly, the little birds might be telling us of a Russian invasion.

Can you see Vladimir Putin’s face in this flock of birds?

Sheryl Gilbert caught the above video of a flock of undulating birds moving across the sky while she was crossing the Williamsburg Bridge in Brooklyn this week.

He said: “Saw it several days ago during a trip and that’s awesome!”

One YouTuber said: “It’s a warning to the US that they shouldn’t start a war with Russian Federation”.

While the video does the rounds on the social media, many have speculated that the video is a fraud and an impressive video edit, but Gilbert and West both insist that it is the real deal.

And while it is not confirmed if the video is authentic, it caught the eye of Russian TV channel Zvezda – who spotted the striking resemblance to Putin.


And it is not just any face, but the face of Putin.

Washington Post: Russian TV channel sees Putin in the sky above New York