
Florida congressional candidate launches giveaway for an AR-15 rifle

“With terrorism incidents on the rise, both at home and overseas, protecting our constitutional rights has never been more important, ” Evers said in a prepared statement accompanying the announcement.


Ron Varner, a retired police officer who now works at J & J One Stop Gun Shop in Port Charlotte says despite being a staunch Second Amendment advocate, he feels a contest like this will only make matters worse.

A proud member of the National Rifle Association for 15 years, Evers is all for the broad right to bear arms.

But Evers said in a Facebook post, “I’m not counting on Obama or Congress to protect me from terrorism, and neither should you”. It is open only to adults in the district. The victor will be chosen on July 4, and the rifle will be awarded after verification that the contestant meets strict eligibility requirements, including all required background and security checks.

The gun has the Second Amendment engraved on the receiver, because civilians slaughtering each other wholesale every few weeks with weapons of war is surely what the founding fathers had in mind.

He announced his candidacy for outgoing U.S. Rep. Jeff Miller’s seat in April. Evers’ chief rival is state Rep. Matt Gaetz, who has also received an A-plus grade from the NRA.

“This is a campaign gimmick”.

Gaetz, who is from Fort Walton beach, cited a bill he sponsored the past legislative session that would have allowed anyone with a concealed weapon permit to carry openly wherever they’re allowed to carry concealed.

The Orlando killer, Omar Mateen, used a semi-automatic rifle from the AR-15 family, along with a pistol, in his rampage in the Pulse nightclub in Orlando. It was also used in CT and San Bernardino earlier this year.


In 2014, the AR-15 was a giveaway in no less than three Senate races, according to AP.

Congressional candidate launches AR-15 giveaway contest