
Florida council official tells resident his BBQ smoke ‘cannot leave the

The official, who is holding a clipboard, stated, “I can smell it, I can smell it again right now, but I’m on your property”.


‘You’re allowed to have it smell on your property. Jordan’s video has already been shared over 48,000 times from his Facebook post in just three days.

That video has been viewed on Facebook over 4 million times and has piqued the attention of governmental watchdog blogs and reached the shores of the United Kingdom.

He finished up the conversation by telling the resident that barbecue smoke can not cross property lines, citing a county rule.

The man should have kept the BBQ smells on his property.

The man filming video says: ‘So we’re supposed to control the smoke and the wind and where it’s blowing?’.

The dumbfounded barbecuers stand there in amazement as Graham continues on to tell them to align their barbecues only after checking wind conditions or to buy a new barbecue that it specially designed to create less smoke.

“I’m only here because of the odour, I’m only here because of the smoke”, the official tells the disbelieving man. The video below shows the incident, but viewers should be warned that there is some mild cursing in the video that some viewers may find offensive and that may be NSFW.

Pinellas County Air Quality sent an inspector to the house after receiving a complaint on Wednesday about an objectionable amount of smoke and odor coming from the property, according to a release from the county.

The environmental section of the Pinellas County website states: ‘Commercial barbecue cookers are not exempt from causing a nuisance odour.

“A complaint was received about objectionable smoke and odor and an environmental specialist investigated the situation”, the release said.


Now, social media users have found the Pinellas County’s Facebook page and are dying to know if this really happened.

Man gets in trouble with council because barbecue smells waft in to street