
Florida Georgia Line respond to police comments

Florida Georgia line didn’t want any police nearby when they were backstage at their latest concert, a new report claims. They didn’t want us backstage so we just opted out of the escort.


Two different sheriffs, Kenosha County Sheriff David Beth and Jones County Sheriff Greg Graver, both confirmed the odd request to FOX411.

Florida Georgia Line is no stranger to performing in Wisconsin, and typically with a positive reaction from fans.

He added that the duo was told their request would not be honoured in order to keep people at the festival safe.

Now, TMZ has reported the duo did the same thing in Iowa – only this time, it was law enforcement who had the last laugh.

Graver said he has overseen police presence at more than 22 Great Jones County Fairs, most recently including Carrie Underwood who he said asked for a deputy to be placed backstage and for several police in uniforms to be present at her meet-and-greet.

Sheriff Graver says he was told the country duo even threatened to pull the plug on the concert if they saw any cops.

Despite the content of Lee’s critical post- which set off a firestorm of angry comments on both Country Thunder and Florida Georgia Line’s Facebook pages, the country duo did not request “zero police presence” at all. Sheriff Graver informed them he wouldn’t spend “one tax dollar assisting them”.

After members Tyler Hubbard and Brian Kelley performed at the Country Thunder festival in Twin Lakes, Wisconsin over the weekend (July 23-24) they were accused of having requested that no police officers should be present at their gig due to their alleged views about law enforcement forces. On social media, Country Thunder – the festival at which Florida Georgia Line played on Friday night – wrote in response to the online chatter, “We have seen the original post, and none of it was true”, while FGL stated, “W$3 e have nothing but love and respect for the police”.


Florida Georgia Line also responded to the backlash, sharing the statement below. Jenn is a wife and mother, former private detective, active in WI politics, and an outspoken conservative gun owner.
