
Florida Gov. Rick Scott Endorses Trump, Asks GOP To ‘Come Together’

Scott also called on Republicans to pay attention to what voters are asking for: “They want a businessman outsider who will dramatically shake up the status quo in Washington”. Earlier this year, Trump had virtually no support from sitting Republican leaders, but that is beginning change as it has become increasingly clear that he is most likely going to be the party’s nominee.


Rick Scott (R.) endorsed Donald Trump in a Facebook post Wednesday, urging Republicans to “respect the will of the voters” and get behind Trump’s candidacy. John Kasich won his home state of OH, preventing a Trump sweep of last night’s primaries.

Scott warned that if Republicans do not coalesce behind Trump, defeat could await them in November.

Gov. Rick Scott chose not to endorse anyone before Florida’s primaries on Tuesday, but made it pretty clear in a fawning letter in USA Today and two awkward appearances on MSNBC and CNN that he likes The Donald. He is arrogant and crude, and not a conservative on the issues that matter to me most.

Scott also said in the release that he would name the replacements for Sellers and Cerio “in the coming days”. Scott and other governors usually wait until the budget is delivered to them before announcing vetoes.

“We are disappointed in the governor’s decision to veto funding for the wellfield expansion project”, Palm Coast spokeswoman Cindi Lane wrote in an email.

Of course, the two have a history. “The only way to do that is get behind Donald Trump today”.

Scott’s biggest proposed veto is $55 million legislators wanted to take out of an account dedicated to economic development projects and use for other parts of the budget.

No wonder he said Trump doesn’t hold back on Twitter.

Following the endorsement of Trump, Scott talked to Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren about his endorsement, saying that Republicans need to “quit this fighting” and “quit this Republican on Republican violence”.


Still, we’re not convinced that Scott likes Trump much.

After Landslide Primary Victory Florida Governor Endorses Donald Trump