
Florida inspectors find violations at 4 Planned Parenthood clinics

Three were performing procedures beyond their licensing authority and one was not keep proper logs on the disposition of fetal remains. The Pembroke Pines clinic was cited for improper recordkeeping, according to the Times.


Republican presidential candidates, lawmakers and several governors have called for investigations into Planned Parenthood following the release of five undercover videos by anti-abortion group The Center for Medical Progress that accuse the group of illegally selling organs and tissue from aborted fetuses.

The governor’s office released a statement saying that the Alabama Medicaid Agency will terminate its provider contract with Planned Parenthood with a 15-day notice.

Planned Parenthood does not sell fetal tissue for profit.

But if it took these videos to change his vote, then we will take it. The bigger question is: How can anyone vote to provide taxpayer money to Planned Parenthood after its possibly criminal and certainly immoral butchery has been exposed to the world?

In a statement issued Wednesday, Goodhue challenged state findings that three of its clinics have been operating outside the boundaries of their licenses by performing second trimester abortions.

“There hasn’t been a moment in our history, when we were pushing forward on reproductive health care rights and access for women, that someone wasn’t after us”, Richards said in an interview. There was no mention of specific clinics he’d support and no reference to the (obvious) reality that Planned Parenthood has done the lion’s share of widespread healthcare for women – instead there was a weak coverup immediately downplayed by his perpetually ignorant shrugging off of “women’s issues”.

The clinics considered the first trimester to last 13 weeks and six days, while state investigators used a rule defining the second trimester as the “portion of a pregnancy following the 12th week and extending through the 24th week of gestation”.

Indeed, Scott publicly announced the inspections before many of them had been completed, an unusual move that contradicts AHCA’s normal policy of conducting surprise inspections. However, she said whole babies and high-quality organs would be more expensive. “So the right thing to do is to let the public know we are responding by doing an investigation to make sure they are complying with the law”.


Congressman Diane Black’s (R-Tenn.) push to defund Planned Parenthood amid national attention and criticism failed to receive action last week from the U.S. House of Representatives before its August recess.

District attorney Devon Anderson speaks at a media conference held at the Harris County District Attorney's Office Wednesday Aug. 5 2015 in Houston. She said her office will start a criminal investigation after an undercover video was released allegi