
Florida Suspect Uses His Own Wanted Poster as Facebook Profile Picture

A man in Florida was arrested after using his own wanted poster as his Facebook profile picture.


Stuart police responded to a battery complaint Monday night, and when they arrived at the scene, suspect Mack Yearwood wasn’t there anymore, per WPBF. Following a search of Yearwood’s Facebook profile for any possible information, officers found the aforementioned wanted poster, which revealed an outstanding warrant for two counts of battery in the neighboring Citrus County. “They discovered that he used his wanted poster for his Facebook profile”.

Several months later, Yearwood made the poster his Facebook profile picture.

Bossio added that Yearwood was sleeping at his brother’s home when officers arrived and asked an officer to hand him his trousers. The cops use Facebook now!’ one family member wrote on the picture.

Yearwood was located Tuesday and arrested on two warrants.

A charge of possession of cannabis under 20 grams was added. Before he was handcuffed, he asked to put on a pair of trousers that had been lying on the floor, but as he was putting on the jeans, a bag of weed fell out of the suspect’s pocket, in plain view of the officers. He does not now face any charges in regard to the allegations of battery as police say the case is still under investigation.


They charged him with possession of cannabis under 20g and are continuing to investigate the battery complaint.

Florida Fugitive Arrested After Changing Facebook Pic To Wanted Poster