
Florida teen sparks outrage for wearing blackface with Nicki Minaj costume

There are a few gory and distasteful Halloween costumes out there, but this one of “Anna Rexia” is absolutely offensive.


‘Nicki Minaj and Drake in the cut #DynamicDuo #homecoming #ovo, ‘ she captioned the images of her and another high school student, who was not in blackface.

Meanwhile, Alabama school 5th grade teacher Heath Morrow came under fire earlier this week for appearing in blackface as Kanye West at a private party with his wife, who was dressed as reality TV star Kim Kardashian. She was standing next to someone dressed as rapper Drake.

There is no word from the University of Florida admissions department or the high school’s superintendent on whether the “insensitive” teen will be punished for her Halloween costume.

As of Wednesday afternoon, Walmart, eBay and Sears had pulled the offending products from their website.

What do you think about these “offensive” and “racist” Halloween costumes?

To mimic Minaj, maybe pick one of her elaborate Video Music Awards get-ups to recreate, rather than opting for body paint?

It isn’t just costumes featuring blackface that are causing a stir this year. Despite those efforts, ISIS soldier and suicide bomber continue to be popular choices, along with sexy geisha, Mexican mariachi and Indian princess.


Sexy “Anna Rexia” is another recurring costume that a few wish would go away. I know the admissions people up there. She apologized for the outfit before deleting her Twitter account. Davin asked. “Just go as a vampire, or a zombie”. Because 1/3 of us are dead. I care about someone being able to wear for only a night the disease that I’ve been struggling with since I was nine years old, and wearing a badge that says “Anna Rexia” for a few hours when I will have to live with the label in my medical chart for the rest of my life.

Jokerface! Go for