
Flu vaccine available, better than past year

Infectious disease expert Susan Rehm says that while flu season usually starts to peak in December, outbreaks can happen now – so it’s not too early to get a flu shot.


Flu shots are recommended each year for everyone 6 months of age and older. Last year, the vaccine was not as effective as many had hoped, and there were plenty of cases where people got their shot, yet still got sick.

Vaccination is not only important for protecting yourself, but others around you as well.

Everyone ages six months and older should get a flu vaccination to reduce the risk of becoming ill with influenza or transmitting it to others.

People with chronic health conditions, and those who work with the public are more vulnerable to the flu and are urged to get the vaccination.

The CDC estimates that last year’s vaccine was only about 19% effective, so there’s reason to be hopeful.

According to a new study led by Dr. Carlos Grijalva, people who get the vaccine appear to have a lower risk of developing flu-related pneumonia. The Flu Shot Clinic will be held in the MRHC lobby from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm next Saturday with no appointments necessary. The flu vaccine is the best protection against the flu and may be offered by many doctor’s offices, clinics, health departments, urgent care centers, pharmacies, college health centers and employers.

Those chances fell off moderately the more time that passed since getting a flu shot.

October means it’s time for autumn leaves, pumpkins, and festivals, but also the potential onset of the 2015-16 influenza season.

Pneumonia can be a serious and common complication of catching the flu, the authors write.

Last flu season, 146 children lost their lives to the illness.

“That is why those who are most vulnerable to the complications of flu need to get vaccinated”.


Dr. Schaffner also says that this season’s vaccine includes influenza B-which is another strain that made a lot of people sick a year ago.

Drive-Thru Flu Vaccination Clinic