
Focus at Four: On the hunt with Pokemon Go in BCS parks

The Orchestra is bringing to life new music arrangements and visuals from eras of the Pokemon video games.


Pokemon Go is a new phone app that’s getting a lot of people out and moving around. “Because the objective of Pokemon Go is to get you off the couch and outside”.

“When your wife is about to have a baby and a Pokemon shows up and you have to low-key catch it…”

An officer warned the players that the park was closed and that they had to vacate. But, there’s a whole lot more to that, of course.

In his own neighbourhood of McKenzie Towne, Hiron said he doesn’t have to go far to find Pokestops, like a nearby church and public fountain – and encounter other players. The game allows users to leave the house and explore their surroundings to catch Pokemon through augmented reality. “It’s definitely fun, it’s something to get out and do with your kids – I’m not doing it, I’m doing it by myself”. Over 1,000 people gathered in Perth, Australia on the weekend for a Pokemon Go Walk.

Pokemon Go is a virtual scavenger hunt for Pokemon, which are digital creatures that are a part of the popular Pokemon franchise. As it turns out, that’s just what’s happening.

These tweets about all the sore Pokemon Go legs are hilarious.

“It has absolutely taken over, you can see people everywhere going nuts, talking about it, showing off their favourite Pokemon that they’ve caught, organising get-togethers”.

We like this idea!

Not yet a week old, the game has already faced some backlash over safety concerns. However, it’s more than just simple location tracking that we’re seeing as issues in just the first few days. Moreover, Louis Park is challenging the “soldiers of the caliphate” to a game of Pokemon Go, instead of lobbing mortars at each other, which is the grown up thing to do.

Now, most of us will not spend money on a game as addictive as this one but gold coins help buy more Pokemons and incense balls that elongate your journey in the game.

Players across the country have had more serious problems – along with reported injuries and trespassing concerns, a woman in Wyoming discovered a dead body while playing, and a group of teens in Missouri is suspected of using it to lure robbery victims.

But then, there are plenty of Pokemon Go hoaxes, so don’t believe every horror story you read.


If you’ve been playing, especially with your kids, we’d love to hear about your experience. Leave your thoughts in the comments.

Philly Police Provide Safety Tips for Pokemon Go Players