
FoldiMate Family Laundry Robot Folds Clothes for You

The FoldiMate is a laundry-folding robot designed by a California tech startup. With so many limitations and such a steep price it might be easy to dismiss the FoldiMate as uneconomical or trivial.


FoldiMate has developed a robotic clothes-folding machine that promises to fold shirts, trousers and towels twice as fast as a human. “Imagine handing over your laundry to a friend who folds it for you”, says the company.

It is created to be used on top of your washer or dryer – but can be placed on a large table.

It’s a 21st-century device, so of course it’s Wi-Fi enabled. It will then suck the items in, dewrinkle them, soften them, perfume them, and fold them.

The first ad for the robotic laundry folder was posted on YouTube less than one month ago.

Folding laundry seems like a simple (albeit mundane) task but as The Wall Street Journal points out, it’s quite complicated seeing as it requires both dexterity and problem- solving (matching socks, turning garments inside-out and so on).

Convenience comes at a cost. Sure, we have machines that wash and dry our clothing for us today, but the folding and ironing that goes with putting them away means that time is still spent on laundry that most would rather use for something else. However, you can register online to be alerted when pre-orders start. But this gadget could seriously up your laundry-folding game.


This video includes images from Getty Images.

New Robotic Device Will Fold Your Laundry In Less Than One Minute