
Following Donald Trump speech, Hillary Clinton will run TV ads in Arizona

In Nevada and Florida, the two battleground states with the highest Latino populations, the Democratic nominee remains locked in a close race with Trump.


“Hillary Clinton is applying for a job that begins each day with a Top Secret intelligence briefing, and the notes from her Federal Bureau of Investigation interview reinforce her tremendously bad judgment and dishonesty”, spokesman Jason Miller said in a statement.

That’s according to an Associated Press analysis of the map as it stands today.

But Trump’s campaign believes there are pockets of voters eager to be persuaded not to back Clinton. But recent polling by McSally’s campaign and the NRCC, conducted before this week’s primary to determine whom her Democratic opponent would be, shows her leading either Democratic challenger by almost 20 points, while Trump is losing to Clinton in the district by 2 points. Trump on immigration: Donald Trump delivered a long-awaited speech on immigration Wednesday, and if you were looking for the talked about “softening” on the issue that Trump seemed to telegraph this past week, you would have been disappointed. “If she wins, we will need a strong Republican House to defend against her radical liberal agenda”.

Mrs Clinton for her part jabbed at Mr Trump, after the Republican refused to answer questions on Philadelphia’s WPVI television about whether he regretted leading the “birther” movement that falsely claimed President Barack Obama was born outside the country. If we elect Donald Trump, we will restore integrity to our laws and strength to our borders, and the American people will be safe. The RNC, not Trump’s campaign, has embraced an intensive voter data program to identify and communicate with Trump supporters to ensure they vote. On border security he said, “I have to say Hillary would do a better job than Trump because Trump would just alienate and agitate the countries around us”. He’s also angered anew Hispanics voters, a fast-growing segment of the electorate that Republicans are desperate to draw from, by holding fast to his tough immigration policies.

This electoral season, Trump has seen greater support among union members than any Republican candidate in recent memory – enough to spook Democrats and union leaders. Talking on ABC’s This Week, Trump’s campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, said the question of what to do with the undocumented immigrants may end up being irrelevant. Trump “would find it very, very hard to throw out a family that has been here for 15 years and they have three children, two of whom are citizens”, he said. Young people across racial and ethnic groups favor creating a pathway to citizenship for otherwise law-abiding immigrants who are now living in the country illegally. Over 70 percent of Americans say our nation is going in the wrong direction. You want softening? I’ll still soften.

In the context of the Trump campaign, it hardly seems worth mentioning, but note the big key difference between Trump and McCain, and even Trump now and Trump a year ago. After he left the race, Taylor, a potential 2018 gubernatorial contender, had to regroup. Young Hispanics are almost evenly divided, with 47 percent in support to 52 percent opposed.

“I think there was a shift in consciousness”, says Mae Ngai, a historian at Columbia University who specializes in immigration and labor. “I don’t value that as a goal”.

“If anybody’s objecting, they should explain why immigration policy shouldn’t serve the national interest and interests of the American people”, Mehlman asserted.

“Well, I think this is kind-of a diplomatic amateur hour by Donald Trump”.

“I always said I would support the nominee of the party, and when the convention came, he got the nomination”, he said in an interview.


The poll of 1,958 adults age 18-30 was conducted August 1-14 using a sample drawn from the probability-based GenForward panel, which is created to be representative of the USA young adult population. The margin of error on the August survey is plus or minus 3 percentage points.

Following Donald Trump speech, Hillary Clinton will run TV ads in Arizona