
Following Final Benghazi Report, Sister Of Ambassador Stevens Speaks Out

Committee Chairman Republican Trey Gowdy said “nothing could have reached Benghazi because nothing was ever headed to Benghazi”.


No military assets were deployed to Benghazi, even after Obama and then-Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta ordered assets to be deployed there, which could have helped prevent the loss of American lives, as “the last two Americans were killed nearly 8 hours after the attacks began”. Opinion polls have shown Americans deeply split along partisan lines over the probe.

Geist, the coauthor of “13 Hours: The Inside Account of What Really Happened in Benghazi”, endorsed Trump in February.

Reps. Mike Pompeo of Kansas and Jim Jordan of OH issued a separate report slamming Clinton and the Obama administration, with Pompeo telling reporters that the former first lady and senator was “morally reprehensible”.

Surrounded by mostly young technology-minded individuals tapping at laptops upon long communal desk spaces in an open room of matching white walls, Clinton spoke of developing an “economy that works for everyone – not just those at the top”.

“I intend to make sure we do what we did with electricity”, Clinton said. When pressed further about whether he believed Clinton lied, he said: “You’re going to have to decide that for yourself”. Her GOP adversary Donald Trump was assessed as honest and straightforward by 41 percent in the survey, while 25 percent viewed Clinton that way.

Rodell Mollineau, a Democratic strategist, said he doubted the report would influence undecided voters.

Gowdy said he was not prepared to pass judgment on Clinton, adding that opinions about her do not appear in the actual report.

The committee’s report faulted the State Department for providing inadequate security for the USA compound in Benghazi, State Department officials and the Central Intelligence Agency for failing to properly evaluate the threat to U.S. personnel on the ground, and the Pentagon for not being in position to aid the Americans under siege.

Republicans launched the investigation with a focus on Hillary Clinton, but Democrats accuse them of using Benghazi as a political weapon, especially after this from comment from Republican leadership. This report was 25 months in the making and cost almost $7 million.

House Republicans from the Select Committee released an 800-page report covering a two-year investigation of the Benghazi attacks Tuesday.

At the time the select committee was created, in addition to the State Department’s review, there had been at least seven other congressional inquiries into the Benghazi attacks.

The U.S. State Department said it provided 50 current and former employees for interviews about the incident and more than 100,000 pages of documents. Last week, he repeated his charge that Ambassador Stevens “was left helpless to die as Hillary Clinton soundly slept in her bed”, an assertion independently fact-checked as false.


Quite a few people pointed fingers at Hillary Clinton even as she claimed that the allegations were meant to damage her Presidential ambition. The committee did disclosed that she had used a private email server to conduct government business while serving as secretary of state, a practice that has drawn widespread scrutiny, including an FBI investigation.

NRA props up Trump's flailing campaign with multi-million dollar Benghazi-themed ad buy