
Football analyst James says he was fired for opposition to gay marriage

James has not called a college football game since his firing.


“Craig James is a polarizing figure in the college sports community and the decision not to use him in our college football coverage was based on the perception that he abused a previous on-air position to further a personal agenda”, Scott Grogin, senior vice president of communications for Fox Networks Group, said in a statement tothe Dallas Morning News.

I think right now in this country, our moral fiber is sliding down a slope that is going to be hard to stop if we don’t stand up with leaders who don’t go ride in gay parades. He said that he believed homosexuality was choice, that he would never march in a pride parade and that LGBTQ people would have to answer to the Lord for their sexual orientation. As Terry wrote on this site in 2013, while I find James’ views personally despicable, it’s not like he was promoting those beliefs on air (or would have, anyway, given the opportunity). “It affects every person who holds religious beliefs”. I will not let Fox Sports trample on my religious liberty. “According to his faith, all people possess intrinsic value, and all people deserve love and respect-including the freedom not to be judged, penalized, or punished for their beliefs”. “Sadly, countless are afraid to let their bosses know they even have a faith”, James said in a statement on Monday. “‘He couldn’t say those things here.'”.

“It makes the case very straightfoward”, said Hiram Sasser, an attorney at Liberty Institute who’s working on the case, to Breitbart Sports. In response to a question from the audience, James said he does not support same sex marriage, and cited his ‘Biblical beliefs.’.

Also listed as defendants in the suit are Fox Sports Southwest executives Jon Heidtke and Mike Anastassiou and Fox Sports executives Eric Shanks, Randy Freer, Jeff Krolik and Lou D’Ermilio.

James the former running back who attended Houston Stratford and SMU and played in the NFL for the New England Patriots before becoming a broadcaster with ESPN and CBS Sports, was hired by Fox Sports Southwest in August 2013 as an analyst for its regional college football studio show.

The personality redacted from its airwaves by the network expressed deep concern that a corporate entity could fire someone for voicing an opinion shared by three-fourths of the voters of his state in a plebiscite on gay marriage.

Craig James talks about his faith.

Moreover, James claims, Fox Sports publicly painted him as a bigot.

Adam James was a receiver for Texas Tech.

However, after that Fox issued another statement that made it sound as if James was terminated for an entirely different reason. “They admitted their reason”. He quit that gig in 2012 to run for the U.S. Senate.


James is seeking back wages and punitive damages against Fox Sports, which the suit claims “acted with a specific intent to cause injury to James as well as with conscious indifference to [his] rights, safety, or welfare”.

Craig James Sues Fox Sports for Religious Discrimination