
For first time, drone delivers package to residential area

“[Flirtey] successfully completed the first fully autonomous FAA-approved urban drone delivery in the United States”, they wrote.


Flirtey CEO Matt Sweeney expressed his optimism about the possibilities opened by fully autonomous drone deliveries.

Sweeney says the Nevada delivery shows drones can safely navigate around buildings and deliver packages within a populated area.

This seems a good news for Amazon and other companies that are interested in using drones for package deliveries to save time and money.

Ladies and gentleman, we’re one step closer to having drone-delivered pizza pop up right on our doorsteps.

According to the company’s CEO, on March 10, the drone with six-rotors flew nearly half-mile distance on a delivery root that was pre-programmed.

The packaged delivered at Reno contained bottled water, food and a first-aid kit. Last July, Flirtey conducted a similar test for rural drone delivery in Virginia.

Also, NASA is working with the drone industry and the FAA on a low-altitude air traffic control system to prevent such crashes.

Sweeney told Popular Science, “Hawthorne is a town with deal characteristics for us, because you’ve got residential housing lots that have trees, power lines, that are flawless for research and testing precision delivery-the kinds of things you have un a regular suburban environment”.

The company recently moved its headquarters from Australia to Nevada.


“This was by far one of the most successful (unmanned aircraft systems) operations we ran and represents an advanced level of test and development”, said the FAA’s site-designated director of operations Chris Walach. It lowered the package outside a vacant residence in an uninhabited area of Hawthorne, southeast of Reno.

Flirtey completes drone delivery in US urban environment