
Former Assembly Speaker Silver Sentenced to 12 Years in Prison

A federal judge on Tuesday sentenced a disgraced New York State assemblyman found guilty of corruption charges to 12 years in prison. Judge Caprioni said she wants Silver’s sentence to deter other politicians, make them stop and think before taking kickbacks or making bribes.


Silver’s former state Senate counterpart, Republican ex-Majority Leader Dean Skelos, is due to be sentenced later this month on his own corruption conviction.

Silver sent a letter of apology to Caproni earlier this year and has publicly expressed remorse.

Silver had served for more than two decades as the Assembly speaker, imposing his will on matters large and small; he had a reputation as a staunch defender of New York City, a shrewd negotiator at budget talks, and, at times, a recalcitrant opponent of anything he disliked. Supposedly, they claimed “the bill was too broad, and that it could potentially hit not just elected officials and high-ranking staffers, but also ordinary ‘janitors.'” However, since the Assembly failed to act this year, the constitutional amendment is now dead, which means “longer-serving lawmakers needn’t fear losing their pensions even if they’re found guilty of a crime”, as was reported by the New York Post. Those included helping to rebuild Lower Manhattan after the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, and improving education and health care in NY, they wrote.

“Corruption even beats out education, affordable housing and combatting the heroin epidemic as the single most important issue”, said Steve Greenberg, the Siena poll’s spokesman.

Passing sentence on Tuesday, Judge Valerie Caproni also imposed a $1.75m fine and a $5.3m forfeiture.

Former colleagues, constituents, and family members filed letters with Caproni on behalf of Silver, encouraging the judge to take his work with the community into account.

Silver and his lawyers promised to appeal the decision.

United States Attorney Preet Bharara launched the campaign against corruption among NY legislators with Silver at the center of his efforts. Since I was elected, I have been a vocal proponent of common-sense ideas to clean up state government.

Silver, 72, spent two decades as speaker of the State Assembly until his arrest in January 2015.

Prosecutors also alleged that Silver’s corrupt self-dealings extended to his personal life, asserting he had an extramarital affair with one woman who lobbied him about state business and another whom he recommended for a job, then tried to hide the relationships while giving his mistresses preferential access and treatment.


Silver has also revealed that he has prostate cancer, now in remission. He also used his office to help property developers.

Former New York State Assembly Speaker Sentenced to 12 Years in Prison