
Former FIFA vice president Eugenio Figueredo faces extradition over corruption

He has been accused of taking millions of dollars in bribes from a Uruguayan sports marketing company in connection with the sale of marketing rights for matches in South America.


“The Uruguayan citizen has 30 days in which to appeal”, a statement from the Swiss justice ministry said.

US attorney general Loretta Lynch told a news conference on Monday that the investigation was far-reaching.

Another of those arrested in Zurich on 27 May – Jeffrey Webb, a former president of the Concacaf confederation representing North American, Central American and Caribbean countries – has already been extradited to the US.

US authorities filed for Figueredo’s extradition in July. FIFA has since suspended him from all football duty.

The soccer boss has been accused of receiving millions of dollars worth of bribes in relation to the Copa America tournament, according to Switzerland’s Federal Office of Justice.

A Federal Office of Justice spokeswoman declined to describe the extradition procedure status of the five other men, who remain in custody. Lynch says she expects more indictments in a widening investigation of corruption implicating FIFA.


Lauber has not named any individuals who could face charges through his inquiry – which is separate from the US probe- but it is possible that the two investigations will overlap.

The South American Football Confederation acting president Uruguayan Eugenio Figueredo speaks during a press conference