
Former President Bill Clinton will speak Friday night in Billings

Such positions are “dangerous”, Clinton said, adding that the totality of Trump’s alarming statements since he launched his presidential campaign, including calling for a ban on Muslims entering the United States, amounts to a worrying “pattern”. “I can fix it fast, Hillary has no chance!” he said in another tweet.


It looks like it’s time for the GOPe, the party’s out of touch white elite groupies, to eat lots of crow! The data shows that, so far in 2016, about 40 percent of new voter registrations were done through the state’s online elections portal and more than 30 percent registered through the Department of Motor Vehicles. Since Clinton and Trump deviate so prominently from the traditional norms that presidential candidate spouses have adopted in recent years what does this development mean for how the American public views them in the 2016 election?

About 72 percent of Latino voters believe Trump is running for president for himself and not for his country. Sanders enjoyed more than one winning streak during the primary, yet the superdelegate count was heavily skewed in Clinton’s favor.

But also segment segment, Goldman discussed Trump making Hillary Clinton’s husband a target, former President Bill Clinton, which she said “carries a great risk”. Now, Bernie Sanders’ folks are going to be very unhappy about that and understandably so, and basically Bernie Sanders is going to be calling the shots at that convention. “I’d like it if you took the pic down”. A just and lasting Israeli-Palestinian accord, producing two states for two peoples, would contribute to regional stability and help sustain Israel’s identity as a Jewish and democratic state. Yet Sanders’ refusal to acquiesce to the coronation she’s thirsted for over half her life exposes Hillary’s flaws. “ISIS, China, Russia and all would love for her to be president”.

“Crooked Hillary has zero imagination and even less stamina”.

Respectively, 88 percent and 86 percent of Democrats say they’d vote their party’s nominee in the general, while five percent and six percent say they’d vote for Trump.

The Vermont senator has campaigned against both a “rigged” economy and a rigged party. She also said that extremist groups are using him as a recruitment tool. But Trump’s current 23 percent, according to the FNL, paired with the 74 percent unfavorable rating has the real estate mogul facing a monumental task if he wants to win over Latinos. Kesha had planned to perform Bob Dylan’s “It Ain’t Me, Babe”, a tribute to one of her “favorite songwriters of all time”.


– Crystal Wright is the editor of the blog Conservative Black Chick and author of the new book, Con Job: How Democrats Gave Us Crime, Sanctuary Cities, Abortion Profiteering, and Racial Division.

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