
Former President Jimmy Carter Reveals He Has Cancer

Once Carter’s doctors understand where his cancer came from and how far it has spread, they’ll start discussing treatments with the president and his family, Lichtenfeld said.


Former President Jimmy Carter revealed that recent liver surgery found cancer has spread in his body but gave few details about his prognosis in a brief statement released Wednesday.

Mr. Carter, said, “I will be rearranging my schedule as necessary so I can undergo treatment”.

Over the past 90 years of his lifetime, our understanding of cancer and options for cancer therapies have made incredible advances. The first was in May 7, 1989, when Carter and former President Gerald Ford traveled to Panama. “The goals of treatment would be his comfort”, Mayer says. “The most important thing, is that since President Carter had recent surgery, is for any patient, including him, is to recuperate from the surgery before starting the next phase of therapy, dependent, again, whether there will be therapy or not on the disease and where the disease has gone”, Khleif said.

Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz said her thoughts were with Carter and his family: “I wish him strength as he faces this challenge head on, as I am sure he will do with the same spirit with which he has always fought on behalf of others”.

“[We] send our best wishes to President Carter for a fast and full recovery”.

Carter has remained active since he left the Oval Office in 1981, working on humanitarian projects through his eponymous nonprofit center. “There is a pervasive denial of equal rights to more than half of all human beings”, wrote Carter in the book’s introduction.

Whatever your position regarding political positions Carter has taken over the years, he has embodied statesmanship in an era when it has been sadly scarce.

Carter said he doesn’t think there is much that President Obama can do to accelerate U.S. economic growth.

Quite a lot of foreign analysis conflicts doomed his bid for a 2nd term, & Carter lost to Ronald Reagan in a landslide. According to the White House, Obama had a telephonic conversation with Carter on Wednesday. Carter also won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002. “They’re so thorough at Emory University”. This is possible under the government of a Board Trustee that includes educators, business experts, former government officials and prestigious philanthropists.


In Plains, less than three hours south of Atlanta, it is hard to evade reminders of Carter, whose homespun reputation has long been intertwined with a place that rises near the peanut fields he once tended.

Nonagenarian Carter says he has cancer revealed by recent surgery