
Former Reagan WH Staffer: ‘Donald Trump, You Are No Ronald Reagan’

He urged voters to not vote with his party, and instead vote for Hillary Clinton.


In response to the speech, the Republican Party’s research team cited Elmets’ donation to Democrats as evidence he is “not really a Republican”.

Doug Elmets is a Republican who Democrats can cheer for.

“I’m here tonight to say: I knew Ronald Reagan; I worked for Ronald Reagan”, he continued.

In a brief speech Wednesday, California Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom criticized Republican nominee Donald Trump as someone who had tarnished the legacy of the Republican president, who famously called for the Soviet Union to tear down the Berlin Wall.

“I shudder to think where he might lead our great nation”, Elmets said.

“Reagan saw nuance. Trump sees the world as us vs. them, where somebody with brown skin or a foreign-sounding name is likely to blame for our troubles.”

Not long before Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is set to formally accept her party’s nomination for president, Iowa native Doug Elmets endorsed the former secretary of state from the stage of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia Thursday night.

“Trump is a petulant, dangerously unbalanced reality star who will coddle tyrants and alienate allies”, he said. “This year’s Republican Platform is the most alarming I’ve ever seen”, he said.

I’ve voted Republican my entire life.

Lim said that until this year, she’s campaigned exclusively for Republicans.

She then called for Republicans and Independents to make sure to get out and vote in November, and shut down the argument that she was voting for Clinton entirely because of her gender.


“In Donald Trump’s America, it doesn’t matter that I’m an accomplished attorney and a policy expert, it just matters how attractive I am on a scale of one to ten”, she said.

Former Reagan Administration official Doug Elmets delivers remarks on the fourth day of the Democratic National Convention at the Wells Fargo Center