
Former RNC Chair: Trump Will Be The Republican Nominee

Republican Presidential candidates businessman Donald Trump (2nd L) with former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush leaving after the Republican Presidential debate sponsored by Fox Business and the Republican National Committee at the North Charleston Coliseum and Performing Arts Center in Charleston, South Carolina on January 14, 2016.


Earlier this week, Cruz insulted Trump and his “New York values” – a dig that infuriated local politicians and inspired Daily News to declare “Drop Dead, Ted” on its Friday front page.

Ted Cruz (Tex.) spar at Thursday night’s debate.

Trump had been questioning Cruz’s eligibility for president, given his birth in Canada, and had begun playing “Born in the U.S.A.” at his rallies.

“I think Ted Cruz has actually created a lot of anger, not only here, but a lot of people around this country are going to see this as divisive, negative and I think he owes the people of NY an apology”, De Blasio told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer.

The paper also published a response from New York Mayor Bill de Blasio and Governor Andrew Cuomo.

‘You know, I think most people know exactly what NY values are, ‘ he replied.

Following his appearances on television on Friday, Trump had a scheduled speech in Iowa and said he would have a free screening of the film 13 Hours, which is about the attack in Benghazi that killed three Americans.

But King pushed back against the comments, repeating Trump’s defense of New York City during 9/11, saying that people from all around the city responded and that New Yorkers served and died in the war in Iraq.

“I’m gonna say, and I know people are gonna scratch there heads and go, ‘what?’ but I don’t you can”, Steele said to radio host Rich Zeoli on 1210 WPHT when asked if someone could stop Donald Trump.

Trump and Cruz are surging in the polls, in part, because they’ve successfully tapped into conservative anger about the direction of the country.

The first-in-the-nation Iowa caucuses are just over two weeks away, so that leaves little time for pulling punches. “I don’t”, Bartiromo said.

“I’m always open to give him an education on what NY values are all about”, Cuomo said on NY1.

“So she’s sounding more like a Republican, and I think she’s helping to galvanize support for Bernie”, D’Amato added.


“I’m sure he won’t take a donation from anyone in New York”, Cuomo said.

Trump speaking at the event in Myrtle Beach on Saturday