
Former Trump Opponent Predicts A Well-run Convention

Ted Cruz ahead of South Carolina’s primary.


Delegates to the Republican National Convention embraced Donald Trump’s choice for vice president Friday – even those who have yet to warm up to Trump.

“I suspect, if he’s smart, he will try to mellow out his message at the convention”, Wright said. The hope, of course, was that if delegates were free to vote for whomever they wanted, then someone else might swipe the nomination.

“He burns cool and Trump burns hot”, said California delegate Shawn Steel, who is serving as sergeant-of-arms at the convention. “On the flip side, I wouldn’t come down here and hang out with my two granddaughters during the RNC”. “But we have to unite behind Donald Trump”. He presence on the ticket will reassure conservative Republicans who have voiced suspicions that Mr Trump is not really one of them. Trump’s opponents had mounted a small mutiny on the Rules Committee, which convened yesterday to vote on the rules that will govern the convention. “I think you’re seeing the process of unification start”. If they can’t in good conscience cast that vote, they’ll have to be prepared to face the people they represent back home and explain to them why they’re going to go against the vote of their home state. He is the fourth major presidential candidate since 1980 to do this.

And history has shown us that as each president has led the nation, there have been “surprises” in their actions.

Trump backers said the effort to dump Trump is dead.

A memorial to slain police officers was cordoned off, an apparent reaction to protests against high-profile killings of black men and youth by police in US cities including St. Paul, Minnesota, Baltimore, New York and Cleveland. He supports Trump because the candidate’s background in business.

“They have given rise to the success of a candidate who continues to grotesquely manipulate the deeply felt anger of many Americans”, Bush wrote, saying the nominee harkened back to an 1850s political party.

“The governor considers it a great privilege for OH to host the NAACP’s national convention, and he is honored to speak at their event”, Kalmbach said by email. James Dickey is a delegate from Texas Congressional District 25, stretching from Austin to Fort Worth.

Carmody covered the Republican Convention four years ago too and said this year will be a bit different.


The Texas convention is actually larger than the national convention, with three times as many delegates as the national level.

Can delegates back out from supporting Trump?