
Former TTP spokesman killed in drone strike

The landmark peace talks, first since the collapse of Taliban regime in 2001, came after several informal contacts between the Taliban and Afghan government.


He added the Afghan government has not put down conditions for the talks.

“That’s a process that we’re going to continue to be supportive of”, said the White House official when asked if the talks had increased Washington’s optimism for a breakthrough in the peace process. He said that the initial talks with the Taliban were successful, reported Dunya News.

The recent development of Shahid’s death could be a serious setback for newly recruited IS militants in Afghanistan.

A Pakistani official said: “There was an Isil shura meeting when the missiles hit them”.

Afghan Deputy Foreign Minister Hekmat Karzai, who attended the meeting in Pakistan, said that if there were differences within the Taliban, Kabul was not concerned.

President Ghani’s attempt to seek the hand of Pakistani officials to serve as mediators has garnered harsh criticisms and has cost him political capital in Afghanistan.

For their part, elements of the Afghan Taliban, even as they have found shelter in Pakistan, have chafed at their vulnerability to the country’s military and intelligence forces. He said there is a strong possibility that this matter can be discussed in the next round of talks.

Pakistan has been urging the Taliban’s exiled leadership to enter peace talks and the insurgents may also be motivated by the trend of some of its commanders breaking off to declare loyalty to rival jihadists Islamic State.

Though the Islamic State so far has only a limited presence in Pakistan, the group has been making inroads in Afghanistan.

After more than 13 years of conflict, the stakes are high.


These talks should be recognized as the outcome of the recent concerted efforts at rebuilding relations between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Little is known about the group’s size or popularity, and it is unclear whether the group is taking orders directly from ISIS commanders in Syria and Iraq or acting independently, Reuters reported earlier this year.

Former TTP spokesman killed in drone strike