
Former US president Jimmy Carter suffering from cancer

Carter, 90, announced last week that recent surgery to remove a small mass in his liver revealed that cancer has spread to other parts of the body.


Church goers in Plains say President Carter is in good spirits after his cancer diagnosis.

“I will be rearranging my schedule as necessary so I can undergo treatment by physicians at Emory Healthcare”, Carter said.

Carter revealed on Wednesday that he had been diagnosed with cancer.

Relatives, friends, and supporters from Carter’s neighborhood in Plains, Georgia showed love and positivity for his complete recovery.

The church also has announced that the former president will teach a Sunday School class as planned this weekend.

If doctors find metastatic cancer and don’t know where it started, there are several things they can look for to determine the cancer’s site of origin, said Dr. Moshim Kukar, an assistant professor of surgical oncology at Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo, New York, who has not treated Carter.

Carter, a left-wing Democrat and 39 US President, is said to be the first evangelical president and introduced the phrase “born-again” into American political lexicon.

“Given the president’s age, any treatments, their potential and their impacts, will undoubtedly be discussed carefully with him and his family”, he added.

The list of the Carter Center’s achievements is far too long to recount here, but one notable achievement has been the virtual elimination of guinea worm disease, or river blindness, which has afflicted millions of people a year in Africa since time immemorial. Church officials have said that Carter and his wife Rosalynn attend whenever they are not at the center’s offices in Atlanta or traveling elsewhere. Among Mr. Carter’s well-wishers was President Obama.


Sunday at church was emotional because it was the first time many people had seen Carter since his announcement that he has cancer. He was defeated for re-election in 1980 by Republican Ronald Reagan. He was awarded with a Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 “for his decades of untiring effort to find peaceful solutions to worldwide conflicts, to advance democracy and human rights and to promote economic and social development”.

Former President Jimmy Carter to discuss cancer diagnosis AP