
Four up for CBB eviction

Simpson, Frankie Grande, Graziano, Bear, Khan and Heavy D chose to play for themselves and were thrown a festival after winning a task to find golden dice.


As we reported last night, Heavy D was blasted by his Celebrity Big Brother housemates earlier this week for tipping food all over the house.

And, although the 25-year-old hunk has locked horns with a number of his housemates over the past two weeks, Anna believes Bear is actually a very “complicated” person.

Emma asked Chloe about Renee: “Renee was mad about Bear!”.

In Big Brother’s Big Risk shopping task, Storage Hunters star Heavy D was chosen to survive on “slops” for a day.

But Bear and Bloor goaded him into breaking the rules by eating a slice of cake. “I’m sure it won’t be that bad”.

Bear was seen joining in with the row, prompting Renee to instruct him: “Unless I send for you don’t f**king come for me, I’m not that b***h that you wanna push around”.

“He told Lillie he was going on CBB to buy an engagement ring so they could buy a house and get married”, she told the Daily Star. After the nominations were revealed, Lewis told everyone he was peeved that nobody nominated him for personal reasons, it was all because of his friendship with Bear.

Heavy D reacted to his plummeting popularity by hurling food around the living room, which results in Big Brother bosses stepping in to give him a telling off.

Addressing Heavy D, she shrieks, “Colin, if you were smart you would take this f****** broom and f****** clean this s*** up with me”.

Chloe on Bear: “I went in there thinking not to kiss anyone, and then you forget there’s loads of cameras in there. Disgusted no one has noticed”.

She will face the public vote alongside Marnie Simpson, James Whale and Bear, who faces the public nomination each week because he has an eternal nomination.


Dropping the bombshell was the Mob Wives star sparring partner Chloe, who made the accusations during her eviction interview on Friday night.

Ricky Norwood is 'head boy&#039 for the latest CBB task