
Four-Year-Old Boy Filmed Being Thrown From Bridge

Camera phones captured a mother allowing someone to throw her son into the Wynoochee River in Montesano, Washington.


“As soon as that kid hit the water, he went straight down and straight back up”, Fawley added, noting that the child disappeared underwater before his life jacket quickly pulled him back to the surface.

“It just looks like he’s thrown like a rag doll”, Shumate said.

His friend, Brianna Jones, said she called 911.

Jones said the boy almost struck his head on one of the steel girders as he fell, and barely missed large boulders in the water.

“He was screaming and crying, it was awful”, she said.

The footage has been watched over 400,000 times. “It broke my heart hearing that”.

Fortunately, the little boy survived the fall but they didn’t say if he suffered any injuries or not. Deputies said Saturday, August 27th they’ve recommended the Grays Harbor Prosecutor’s Office charge the boy’s mother with reckless endangerment and another man with reckless endangerment and criminal trespassing. He said deputies are working with Child Protective Services to investigate the incident.

“I hope that mother gets what’s coming to her”, he said. Jones added. “It made me so mad”.


The bridge, which is on private property, sits over a popular swimming hole just outside the town of Montesano.

Sheriff investigates after video shows 4-year-old boy being thrown off a bridge into a river