
Fox gets 16.9 million viewers for GOP debate

Fox’s Republican debate Thursday night netted 16.9 million viewers in total and 5.5 million in the 25-54 demo.


Trump did not directly say he would move his textile factories from operating overseas; instead he put forward excuses as to why he is operating facilities outside the U.S.

The Donald just kept repeating that they will do what he tells them. John Kasich was content to stand to the side and watch it all.

After the debate, Bill O’Reilly snagged Trump for an interview. “I guarantee you there’s no problem”.

“He referred to my hands, if they’re small, something else must be small”, Trump said. Kelly lectured Rubio that he couldn’t be heard when he and Trump talked over each other.

While the moderators tried their best to keep the debate focused on issues, they are not expected to control people like Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz. And Donald Trump spun fiction about 9/11. Count to 10, Donald.

Rubio tried to portray Trump as an opportunistic con man whose campaign merchandise is made in Mexico and China.

“Mr. Trump, one of the things people love about you is they believe you tell it like it is”, Kelly told Trump. “This has to stop”.

Moderator Chris Wallace was quick to point out that Trump’s plan doesn’t add up.

Fox wasn’t just tough on Trump.

“I also happen to call him a lightweight”. “We’ll save more than $300 billion a year if we negotiate”.

Round Two of Donald Trump vs. Megyn Kelly turned out to be not much of a fight.

Trump was unmoored, insisting he had logical explanations about his reversals on Syrian refugees, the war in Afghanistan and more – and that by the way, it doesn’t matter much anyway. “You have to have a certain degree of flexibility”. “Hasn’t your brand of conservatism been rejected by an electorate that appears to be more taken with Mr. Trump’s populist message?” she asked.

The news organization had even crafted graphics to dispute some of Trump’s past comments, and had video clips on hand to refute statements Trump made. “Sometimes you ask for more than you want”. The night after the debate, Trump said Kelly had “blood coming out of her wherever”, sparking outrage, though Trump denied he was talking about Kelly’s menstrual cycle.

Romney, who has blasted Trump for days, delivered a sharp condemnation of Trump earlier Thursday. That was a play on Cruz’s “Trust Ted” campaign slogan.

“We are not going to turn over the conservative movement … to someone whose positions are not conservative … to someone who thinks the nuclear triad is a rock band from the 1980s”, Rubio said. Voters in Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana and ME are the next vote, with primaries on Saturday.

Kasich will not, under any circumstances, engage directly with his foes on the debate stage. Rubio, and John “Damn Right I’m Still Here” Kasich.

“They signed up. Paid $15,000”. “Little Rubio” and “Big Trump” really?

He confronted Trump once again, baiting the business mogul by calling him names, attacking his business ventures and accusing him of knowing nothing about policy – even though he struggled with a raspy voice. And I appreciate the discussion back and forth.

Trump refused to release a recording of an off-the-record conversation with The New York Times, in which he reportedly claimed he’d be more flexible about illegal immigration than he’s letting on.

When a candidate admits that his only conceivable pathway to the nomination is through a brokered convention I tune them out. “I will honor it”, he said. Trump said he still plans to build a wall and will be hard on illegal immigrants, noting, “Look at our borders, they’re like Swiss cheese”. “I may have said something like that with The New York Times”. “I’m going to go to the convention, and I’m going to be the nominee”. His wobbling over whether to disavow the support of former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke finally gave the Republican leaders of Congress a way to go after the billionaire publicly — without uttering Trump’s name. You asked for additional money for the course.


Kelly quickly returned Trump’s compliment, answering, “As are you“.

Republican presidential candidates Sen. Marco Rubio R-Fla. and businessman Donald Trump argue a point during a Republican presidential primary debate at Fox Theatre Thursday