
Fox News’ Megyn Kelly Announces Immediate Vacation And Twitter Goes Wild

We have heads being chopped off because there are Christians in the Middle East….” “We don’t have to be business geniuses to figure, well, they’re building a plant – it’s a massive plant, one of the biggest in the world – they’re going to make all these cars, trucks and parts….” Sherman went on to say Fox management has been “paralyzed” by the volume of pro-Trump emails they’ve received.


He is still considered a long-shot candidate for the party nomination in the 2016 election, but has been leading in the polls after stirring controversy with contentious remarks about Mexican immigrants and lashing out at his opponents.

Before a record TV audience estimated at 24 million, Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly called out Trump for “calling women you don’t like fat pigs, slobs, dogs and disgusting animals…”

Trump came out swinging early Tuesday night, with Mexico and bring jobs back from countries, heard throughout the speech.

Trump insisted Monday that he never intended to say anything inappropriate about Kelly, one of the most popular hosts on the most watched U.S. cable news network.

The network announced shortly after that Trump would be appearing on two of its shows on Tuesday, including a lengthy interview withHannity.

“I certainly will not apologize for doing good journalism”, she said.

Trump’s closest opponent, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, had 15 percent of support in the poll conducted by Strategy Research on behalf of WKRG.

“Sure. You saw my income, my income is $400M a year”, Trump responded, according to highlights released by the network. “That’s what I’m doing”, he said.

Trump’s campaign has begun soliciting fundraising dollars through its website. Despite the appeals, campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks said Mr Trump would continue to finance the campaign, but has “been overwhelmed by unsolicited contributions”.

The Motor City Madman said, “I’m afraid the gorgeous, stunning, otherwise professional and tuned-in Megyn Kelly absolutely fell of the cliff of political correctness when she proposed that obnoxious, meaningless, nonsensical, biased question for Donald Trump”. He criticized Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders after Black Lives Matter protesters derailed one of his rallies.

“Only Rosie O’Donnell”, interrupted Mr Trump, referencing a longstanding feud with the female comedian. Fox News’ moderators took a strong line with candidates, including Trump, who was the only candidate to refuse to rule out running as an independent.


“Being crass and crude in your references to other people” is not the way to run for president, Sanford said.

From left to right Sandra Fluke Megyn Kelly Gen. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton