
Fox News’ Megyn Kelly On Trump: You Really Speak Your Mind, Huh?

Though this is all pretty predictable – these guys descend like a plague of locusts on some unlucky convention centre to yell about all this every four years – today’s proceedings have been kicked up a notch with the presence of knotted pile of old cat hair-cum-budding Leader of the Free World Donald Trump.


Trump told reporters after the debate that Kelly was “unfair”, but based on the feedback on Twitter, she came out on top in the debate.

The White House contender reacted with pique at a Republican presidential debate on Thursday when asked about his past comments branding women “fat pigs”, “dogs”, “slobs” and “disgusting animals”. That’s good for our entertainment but perry crappy for America.

Where Canada does not do well is on wait times, which tend to be longer than in other countries, especially to see specialists or obtain an elective surgery.

In one of the more impromptu segments of the debate, several Republicans on stage chimed in to ask Trump for donations after the billionaire defended previously giving to Democrats.

“Honestly Megyn, if you don’t like it, I’m sorry”. “She had no choice because I gave”.

Trump is not going to be the next president of the United State – that’s just not going to happen.

“I would think so”.

The New York magazine report says the Trump campaign feels Kelly doesn’t like him after this on-air exchange in May, when she questioned his qualifications.


Rubio went on to vow that under his presidency the Department of Veterans Affairs would be better managed. “And in my particular case, I’m personal friends with five or six of them”.

Former NY Mayor Giuliani Slams Doing Favor for Trump Ahead of Debate