
France’s Nicolas Sarkozy to run for 2017 presidential election

Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy has revealed he will run again to be leader of his country in next year’s elections.


Sarkozy, 61, lost the 2012 election to the now deeply unpopular President Francois Hollande at the last election in 2012.

“I’ve chose to be candidate in the 2017 election”, Mr. Sarkozy said Monday in a message on Twitter.

He added: “I’ve felt I had the force to wage this battle at a so tormented time of history”.

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Sarkozy, leader of the centre right Les Republicains, has previously hinted that retains ambitions to be president.

More than a dozen contenders are vying for the party ticket as candidate, including Sarkozy’s rival Alain Juppé. “The coming five years will be full of danger but also full of hope”.

Even so, legal troubles surrounding party financing and overspending by his 2012 presidential campaign, as well as his outsized personality could yet trip him up.


In November, both France’s main parties will hold presidential elections, in which party members will vote for a candidate in a two round ballot.

Nicolas Sarkozy has announced he will run for the French presidency again next year