
France to give Africa 2 bn euros for green energy

French President Francois Hollande disclosed at the climate change summit in Paris that the country has earmarked about $6.4 billion, over the next four years to help with electrification in Africa.


The renewable energy generation projects will include wind farms to solar power and hydroelectric projects, across the continent and the France government will give around 2 billion euros ($2 billion) between 2016 and 2020. “Two billion euros will be spent on renewable energy.” he said.

Mr Hollande spoke a day after more than 150 world leaders gathered for the start of the 12-day meeting tasked with beating back the threat of global warming and helping poor countries cope with its effects.

Hollande said developed countries have a responsibility after emitting greenhouses gases for decades.

African leaders want the biggest polluting nations to commit to financing as part of contributions to an internationally administered Green Climate Fund, that hopes to dispense $100 billion a year after 2020 as a way to finance the developing world’s shift towards renewables.

African countries generate 4% of global greenhouse gases a year, a quarter of that coming from economic giant SA alone.

African leaders welcomed the announcement but called on all rich countries to contribute to realising their countries energy needs.


Aside from investing in clean energy projects, France is also seeking to invest around US$1bn in Africa’s issues with desertification and tackle climate change-related challenges to the environment.

Hollande meets African leaders on climate needs