
Frank Ocean releases new video album, ‘Endless,’ on Apple Music

The wait for a new Frank Ocean album is over – sort of. In a very Beyoncé-esque move, Ocean’s offering is now only streaming on Apple Music – but unlike Beyoncé, he didn’t drop any individual tracks, which means you have to watch the entire 45-minute video to hear each song.


You’ve got to hand it to Frank Ocean for “pulling a Beyonce on us all” with the surprise drop of a visual album, says Beth Shilliday on Hollywood Life, and then it turns out this isn’t even the actual album he’s intending to put out.

The visual album is available for streaming exclusively on Apple Music. Given that it’s the last track, the idea of Frank giving so much shine to Apple’s competitors on an Apple-distributed project is either a curious F-you to the hand that’s just fed him, or it’s one blithely WTF moment in an album that seems to be full of them.

It’s not clear yet if this is the expected Boys Don’t Cry album that fans have been waiting 2 years ago, although Rolling Stones is reporting that the original title has been scrapped, and that Ocean will be releasing the new album “this weekend”. “Orange” was nominated for album of the year at the Grammy Awards, among other prize nominations.

But the expectation for new music heated up in recent weeks after Ocean’s brother posted a photo on Instagram with the title “Boys Don’t Cry”.

So many fans were pissed that it’s taken four years to get some more of Ocean.


Endless connects a few previously mysterious dots. Taylor Swift, for instance, provided Apple with exclusive rights for a stream of her 1989 World Tour concert. Fans interested in Frank Ocean’s Endless track list have been searching for terms like, “Frank Ocean Endless zip”, “Frank Ocean Endless mp3″, and “Frank Ocean Endless listen”.

Frank Ocean's producer explains album delay