
Frazier Glenn Miller presents defense case in court

Frazier Glenn Miller Jr., who is acting as his own attorney, called himself to the stand, where he was also cross-examined by the prosecutor.


Judge Thomas Kelly Ryan on Thursday told Cross he would not be allowed to present as evidence videos, books and articles that support his anti-Semitic views. He has admitted several times during his four-day trial that he killed three people and shot at three others, but has argued that he was compelled to do it because Jewish people are trying to wipe out the white race. None of the three victims was Jewish. Miller also told jurors the prosecutor had a “slam dunk” and he knew they would put him on death row.

Finally, Ryan dismissed the jury for their morning break and warned Cross if he could not present relevant evidence, then he could be removed from the courtroom.

The 74-year-old Aurora, Missouri, man is charged with killing William Corporon, 69, and Corporon’s 14-year-old grandson, Reat Griffin Underwood, at the Jewish Community Center in Overland Park, and Terri LaManno, 53, at the nearby Village Shalom retirement center.

“Since the state must prove I had a criminal intent, and since I deny that I had a criminal intent, then simple fairness, logic and equality under the law demands I be given equal opportunity to make my case”, Cross said.

Friday, Miller reportedly asked the jury to acquit him of murder charges based on the premise that Jewish people have too much power in the world.

“I wanted to kill them, and I wanted to kill them quick”, the accused murderer said.

“Making it impossible for me to explain what was on my mind prevents me from getting a fair trial and guaranteeing a guilty verdict”, Miller said.


Miller is representing himself. Both sides have rested in the case and everything picks back up at the Johnson County Courthouse in Olathe Monday, when jurors will receive instructions and hear closing arguments.

KC jewish shooting scene