
Freddie Gray Trial Against Officer Delayed

The proceedings are expected to include more written filings from both sides, followed by oral arguments. Officer Porter is scheduled to be retried in the case this summer.


If he is forced to testify and refuses, Porter could be jailed for contempt. Yet if he does testify, he could face perjury charges over any inconsistencies, his attorneys argued.

Goodson is also facing charges of involuntary manslaughter, second-degree negligent assault, manslaughter by vehicle (gross negligence), manslaughter by vehicle (criminal negligence), misconduct in office and reckless endangerment, CNN notes.

Prosecutors subpoenaed William Porter to testify in the trial against Goodson.

The state then issued a subpoena to compel Porter’s testimony, Porter sought to quash the subpoena, and trial Judge Barry Williams sided with the state and ordered that Porter would be compelled to testify. It stated, “The actions of the state and the circuit court are without precedent in Maryland law”.

Freddie Gray’s death, resulting from a violent trip in a police van, sparked massive protests in Baltimore and drew support for the Black Lives Matter movement.

Goodson is accused of killing Gray, 25, in April 2015 after he failed to restrain a shackled Gray in the back of a police van, which made several stops during a 45-minute period.

The trial of one of the Baltimore police officers charged with Freddie Gray’s death has been postponed.

State prosecutors have long claimed Officer Porter as a material witness in the Goodson trial, and they planned to bring him to the stand to testify in Goodson’s trial whether they obtained a hoped for conviction of Porter in his own earlier trial or whether Porter was acquitted. His new trial is set for April but prosecutors need him to testify against Goodson.

Charles says the trial is “stayed until the Court of Special Appeals rules”.

But Goodson is the most accountable, as Gray was technically in his custody after being pursued and dragged into his van by two other police officers. Any detail can help the prosecution know what question to ask or what facts to gather to present a case. Although they are co-defendants, the officers will get separate trials.


Porter also said he told Goodson that Gray wanted to go to a hospital, but Goodson ignored his suggestion. The state wants to use Porter’s testimony against Goodson and Sergeant Alicia White.

Caesar Goodson